










Community Right to Bid:Assets of Community Value

Nomination Form






1A. Contact Details

(Office use only) ACV Ref:                       _


Section 1: About your organisation

Pfease provi.de basic contactdetails for your organisation








1B. Organisation type

Organisation Type X Registration number of charity/company (if applicable)
 Parish Councils
 This may be for an asset in its own area, or in the neighbouring Parish Council area 
 Neighbouring Parish Councils
 If the Parish Council borders an un-parished area, then they may nominate an asset within the neighbouring District Council or Unitary Council. 
 Nominations can be accepted from any un-incorporatedgroup with , membership of at least 21local people who appear on the electoral ro•II · within the local authority, or a neighbouring local authority. This will for instance enable nomination by a local group formed to try to save an a.sset.,but which has not yet reach,ed the stage of acquiring a formal charitable or corporate structure.
 Please complete additional for1n in Appendix 1 if thisapplies to you.. , 
  Neighbourhood Forums
 There can only be one neighbourhood forum for an a,rea and the way they are set up is clearly defined by the Council as a planning authority. · The procedure forbecoming aneighbourhoodforumisset outin Section 61F of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990..
 Please complete additional form in Appendix 1 if this applies to you. 
  Community interest g.roups with a local connection
 These must have one or more of the following structures:
 • A charity
 • A community interest company
 • A company limited by guarantee that isnon-profit distributing
 • An Industrial and Provident Society that is non-profit
 distributing/Community Benefit Society
 Please complete additional form in Appendix 1.if thisapplies to you. 
 Please place an 'X' in the middle column against the appropriate organisation type



















































































1C. Local connection

Additionally, your organisation is required to havea local connection.. Thismeans that its activities are wholly or partly concerned with the administrative area of NorthYorkshire or a neighbouring local authority. Pleaseprovide details about your organisation1s local connection..



Details regarding local connection

\ti    F-  PA  lS\-l         


(<_fS IVV-NTS        





Finally, please provide, if available, a copy of your organisation's rules/constitution..Pleaseindicate which documents

ou intend to provide below byplacing an 'X' against the relevant documenttype.


.                                                         . .    ..             .           ··-   .                                      .                       +                               •                       •                                            .        .                                                          .  ..                    ..     .  .


Type of document


Memorandum and Articles of  Association (for a company)


Trust Deed (for a trust)


Constitution and/or rules {for other organisations)
















Section 2A: Basic details

Section2: About the asset

Please provide basic detailsabout the asset


Type of land/building (for example,

pub, shop)





Name of the premises



Address of the premises





In addition to the aboveinformation,. please attacha clear planwh,ich identifies the land/buildings you wish to

; nominate with a linedrawn around theboundary of the area youwish to nominate. This could be a Title Plan from

Land Registry, or any other map which gives us enough detail to identify the site..




Section 28: Ownership

Please provide detailsabout the asset'sownership, if It is known to you




Name of the owner




Address of the owner


\\      \NCS         

'(O l1.   4S


Contact details for the owner











Name of any other occupier


Name of any other person with an

interest in the premises




Address of a·ny other person with an

interest in the premises




Contact details for any other person

with an interest in the pre·mises








Section 2C: The premises as an Asset of Community Value

Please explain why you feel the land/premises meets the definition of an Asset of Community Va.lue .. Provide as much information as possible. Please note, it is likely that these comments will be shared with theasset owner.

ACV Definition

A building or otherland in a local authority's area is considered land of community value if, in the opinionof the authority:

(a)    an actual current use ofthe building or other land -  that is not an ancillary use -  furthers the social wellbeing or social interests of the localcommunity; and

(b)     it is realistic to think that there can continue to be a non-ancillary use of the building or other land which will further (whether or not in the same way) the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community.

If there is no currentuse:


(c} The definition is extended to land which has furthered the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community in the recent past.,and which it is realistic to consider will do so again duringthe next five years.













Section 3: Checklist and Declaration

In-addition to the form,please confirm any attachments ifprovided.






Copy  of  organ,isation"s constitution/rules/other


A clear plan defining the  land/premises being nominated









Finally, in order to confirm that the information contained within this nomination form is correct and complete and that the required documents are attached, an appropriate authorised officer must sign the below declaration.

We can acceptelectronic signatures..



Assets of  Community Value nominations are coordinated by area-based teams, when compl,ete, please return this

form and any accompanying materialsto the appropriate e-mail addressbe·low:

.. ..                                                            .                          .                     . .  .

.  Harrogate Area

. .                          ..

Craven Area Scarborough Area Ryedale Area Richmondshire Area Hambleton Area Selby Area

AssetsofCommuoi yV.?. Y :.Harr9g .t?..@riort ;i.Qf - - ggv.uk

... AssetsofcomrounityValue.Craven@northyorks.gov.uk:                                                                              .           . .                            .  ..                                                                             .           .                              .  , . .



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L9 _ J_Q.laQ_._ry@CT.Q}1.rJYQrks g9_y_._lJ

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Asset?Qf Cq_r,nmu n ityy_aJ_ e.Richmqt:1dshire@11.9.r:t.nyorks.goy µ_k  .

.                                        .            .

C(?f'D!J)U,Q ti §.h fD@. ort yor s,.g,qy:µi .

-                                     .                                    .



Beforecompleting this form, please check the  guidancenotes at the end of the document.. If  you                                                                                            require any

-- sistance,pleas,econ.tac?t ..?. .tsof(;Qmrr:tunityV_g_l,!Je. _NYC@nqpyor -!goy_7_                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Privacy notice

Please retaina copy of this formfor your recordsand should yourcircumstances or contact detailschange then please let the appropriate contact officer know.

This information will be held in accordance with NYC Privacy Notices.




Appendix 1. For unincorporated groups and community interest groups

Please skip this sect.ion if you  area ParishCouncil


In the case of an unincorporated body, at least 21of its individual members must be registered to vote locally in order to make an ACV nomination. Please confi-rm thenames and addresses of these memb-ers with a signature. If they are registered to vote in the area of a neighbouring localauthority, rather than in NorthYorkshire, please confirm which area that is..



Member name

Member address               Signature

' .






























































































































































